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Terms & Conditions

This list cancels all previous offers.

PRICES - to change without notice are F.O.B. Sandwich, MA - l/2 lb. lots sold at ¾ of pound rate. Rates listed are based on market conditions; each item is priced on its own merit.

Rates: oz. price l-3 oz.; l/4# price 4-7 oz.; l/2# rate (3/4 pound price) 8-15 oz.; 16 oz. and above is pound price.

PAYMENT - VISA and MASTERCARD and Discover are accepted. Please include card number, expiration date and the last 3 digits of the security number on the back of the card in the signature box. A small order charge of $1.50 applies to orders less than $25.00. Residents of Massachusetts must pay the sales tax unless a Resale Certificate or Exempt Certificate Number is filed with us. We will deliver to new customers C.O.D. or after receipt of suitable credit arrangements. Invoices are payable upon receipt of seed; past due accounts subject to a monthly service charge of 1%. Please include invoice number with payment to insure the proper credit to your account. Foreign orders please send payment in U.S. funds. Checks under $100.00 drawn on foreign banks cannot be processed. When wiring payment through a bank please include your name and invoice number. Wire payments will be charged a fee of $20.00 per wire to offset bank charges. You are responsible for all bank charges incurred by your choice of payment.

ORDERING - We request that written orders be a separate part of any correspondence and that AMOUNT and PRICE of each item be clearly shown. Quantities smaller than listed in the catalog cannot be supplied. Please order by using the correct Latin Names. Please List the specific source of seed when applicable. When written orders are submitted please list the seed in alphabetical order. List alternate seeds if those ordered are not available. Note that your order for pound lots will be handled in line with all orders. Orders for smaller quantities of assorted items will be filled in turn after arrival of seed from sources. We suggest that such orders be placed with us prior to September 1st. We reserve the right to return orders received in excess of supplies or send partial amounts. Please mark “confirmation” on all written orders that repeat a previous order either by phone or fax. You are responsible for duplicate orders due to a lack of “confirmation” being clearly marked on confirming orders. We are not responsible for misprints in the catalog. We are not responsible for seed loss or loss in viability for any reason.

DELIVERIES are made subject to yield of crops and safe arrival of consignments. Supplies available will be prorated if necessary. All shipments travel at buyer’s risk, and claims for damage in transit must be taken up with carriers. It is not possible to have seeds available at all times. A number of perishable items cannot be stored successfully and must be ordered in season. We reserve the right to choose the best method of shipment based on our past experience. UPS shipments must be returned via UPS. Packages received damaged must be reported to your local UPS office. New customers will be shipped C.O.D. unless payment is received.

EXPORT SHIPMENTS - Expenses covering custom requirements, certificates, and documentation will be charged at cost.

STATEMENT OF POLICY: All seeds are offered cleaned unless marked otherwise, as d.b. for dried berries, d.h. dried hips, d.p. for dried pomes, and d.w. for dewinged. Seeds are sold without warranty, expressed or implied, as to description and productiveness. Goods should be inspected upon arrival and claims for condition made at once. We cannot consider claims after seeds have been stored or planted. While it is true that plants grown from seed of horticultural varieties often yield superior plant material in comparison to those grown from nondescript seed, we wish to emphasize that seeds of such varieties or hybrids, with few exceptions, cannot be expected to come true to name. They are offered here for the convenience of competent plantsmen, for research and breeding work only. We are not responsible for loss in viability due to fumigation. Seed is not stratified. Lots are carefully inspected on arrival and tests made so far as possible. All bulk lots are kept in refrigerated storage. Please note that items marked ** have been collected from our own plants. Nomenclature of this listing is as of second edition of “Standardized Plant Names.”


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Copyright © 2025 - All Rights Reserved

F. W. Schumacher Co., Inc.

36 Spring Hill Road
Sandwich, MA 02563-1023

Phone: 508-888-0659                            Fax: 508-833-0322